@inproceedings{percival2007effective, title = {{Effective use of multimedia for computer-assisted musical instrument tutoring}}, author = {Percival, Graham and Wang, Ye and Tzanetakis, George}, booktitle = {{ACM International workshop on Educational multimedia and multimedia education}}, pages = {67--76}, year = {2007}, month = {Sep}, url = {http://www.mistic.ece.uvic.ca/publications/2007_emme_tutor.pdf} }
@inproceedings{kapur2007pedagogical, title = {{Pedagogical Transcription for Multimodal Sitar Performance.}}, author = {Kapur, Ajay and Percival, Graham and Lagrange, Mathieu and Tzanetakis, George}, booktitle = {{The International Society for Music Information Retrieval Conference}}, pages = {351--352}, year = {2007}, month = {Sep}, url = {http://www.mistic.ece.uvic.ca/publications/2007_ismir_sitar.pdf} }
@inproceedings{zhou2009mogfun, title = {{Mogfun: musical mobile group for fun}}, author = {Zhou, Yinsheng and Li, Zhonghua and Tan, Dillion and Percival, Graham and Wang, Ye}, booktitle = {{ACM Multimedia}}, pages = {1005--1006}, year = {2009}, month = {Oct}, url = {http://percival-music.ca/research/2009_Musical_mObile_Group_for_FUN.pdf} }
@inproceedings{robine2007analysis, title = {{Analysis of saxophone performance for computer-assisted tutoring}}, author = {Robine, Matthias and Percival, Graham and Lagrange, Mathieu}, booktitle = {{International Computer Music Conference}}, volume = {2}, pages = {381--384}, year = {2007}, month = {Aug}, url = {http://www.mistic.ece.uvic.ca/publications/2007_icmc_sax.pdf} }
@inproceedings{zhou2010mogclass, title = {{MOGCLASS: a Collaborative System of Mobile Devices for Classroom Music Education}}, author = {Zhou, Yinsheng and Percival, Graham and Wang, Xinxi and Wang, Ye and Zhao, Shengdong}, booktitle = {{ACM Multimedia}}, pages = {671--674}, year = {2010}, month = {Oct}, url = {http://percival-music.ca/research/2010_MOGCLASS-Classroom.pdf} }
@inproceedings{lagrange2007adaptive, title = {{Adaptive Harmonization and Pitch Correction of Polyphonic Audio using Spectral Clustering}}, author = {Lagrange, Mathieu and Percival, Graham and Tzanetakis, George}, booktitle = {International Conference on Digital Audio Effects}, pages = {69--72}, year = {2007}, month = {Sep}, url = {http://www.mistic.ece.uvic.ca/publications/2007_icmc_sax.pdf} }
@inproceedings{percival2008generating, title = {{Generating targeted rhythmic exercises for music students with constraint satisfaction programming}}, author = {Percival, Graham and Anders, Torsten and Tzanetakis, George}, booktitle = {International Computer Music Conference, Belfast, UK}, year = {2008}, month = {Aug}, pages = {24--29}, url = {http://cmr.soc.plymouth.ac.uk/publications/ICMC2008_Anders3.pdf} }
@inproceedings{percival2011physical, title = {{Physical Modeling meets Machine Learning: Teaching Bow Control to a Virtual Violinist}}, author = {Percival, Graham and Bailey, Nicholas and Tzanetakis, George}, booktitle = {Sound and Music Computing}, year = {2011}, url = {http://percival-music.ca/research/percival-smc2011.pdf} }
@inproceedings{zhou2011mogclass, title = {{MOGCLASS: Evaluation of a Collaborative System of Mobile Devices for Classroom Music Education of Young Children}}, author = {Zhou, Yinsheng and Percival, Graham and Wang, Xinxi and Wang, Ye and Zhao, Shengdong}, booktitle = {{SIGCHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems}}, pages = {523--532}, year = {2011}, month = {May}, note = {Honorable mention paper award}, url = {http://percival-music.ca/research/2011_MOGCLASS-Evaluation.pdf} }
@inproceedings{tzanetakis2013effective, title = {{An Effective, Simple Tempo Estimation Method Based on Self-Similarity and Regularity}}, author = {Tzanetakis, G and Percival, G}, booktitle = {{IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing}}, pages = {241--245}, month = {May}, year = {2013}, url = {http://percival-music.ca/research/icassp2013tempo_gtzan.pdf} }
@inproceedings{percival2013physicalacm, title = {{Physical Modelling and Supervised Training of a Virtual String Quartet}}, author = {Percival, Graham and Bailey, Nicholas and Tzanetakis, George}, booktitle = {{ACM Multimedia}}, month = {Oct}, year = {2013}, pages = {103--112}, url = {http://percival-music.ca/research/acmmm2013_gperciva.pdf} }
@inproceedings{percival2015song2quartet, title = {{Song2Quartet: A System for Generating String Quartet Cover Songs from Polyphonic Audio of Popular Music}}, author = {Percival, Graham and Fukayama, Satoru and Goto, Masataka}, booktitle = {{The International Society for Music Information Retrieval Conference}}, year = {2015}, url = {http://percival-music.ca/research/2015-ismir-quartet-cover.pdf} }
@inproceedings{smith2015crosssong, title = {CrossSong Puzzle: Generating and Unscrambling Music Mashups with Real-time Interactivity}, author = {Smith, Jordan BL and Percival, Graham and Kato, Jun and Goto, Masataka and Fukayama, Satoru}, booktitle = {Sound and Music Computing}, year = {2015}, url = {https://staff.aist.go.jp/jun.kato/CrossSong/} }
@inproceedings{duan2017seccima, title = {{SECCIMA: Singing and ear training for children with cochlear implants via a mobile application}}, author = {Duan, Zhiyan and Gupta, Chitralekha and Percival, Graham and Grunberg, David and Wang, Ye}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the 14th Sound and Music Computing Conference, Espoo, Finland}, pages = {5--8}, year = {2017}, url = {https://www.smcnus.org/wp-content/uploads/2013/09/Duan2017.pdf} }
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